Functional medicine and heart come together to create a very special Integrative Compounding Pharmacy in the center of beautiful Sonoma County wine country. Since 2004, Health First! has been devoted to grownups, children, babies, and critters of all sorts: fur, feathers, and scales.
We collaborate with your practitioners and you to provide the very best customized care for you, tailored to your unique needs. You might need a special preparation, a formula made just for you, or a supplement to help support you toward your healthiest goals for the happiest life.
To do this, we have brought together a Health First! rock star team of extraordinary folks.
Our pharmacists come to you with compounding skills that are rare in today’s big box cookie cutter pharmaceutical world, along with an impressive background in quality control (of course you want the best formulas from a highly trusted pharmacist!), specific to compounding, and a tremendous desire to care for our community.
Your Pharmacy Technicians, Kevin Lester, Ph.T., and Gabriel Andrade, Ph.T., provide impeccable attention to detail, accuracy and safety in compounding your carefully formulated prescriptions.
When you’re ready to up your game and learn more about formulations which may help support a healthy body, Kevin, Jo, Stacy, and Terri, your Pharmacy Educators, offer a wealth of valuable information as you clarify your goals and make your own decisions about your body and your health.
Our wonderful support staff, Kimberly, Elaine, and Alyssa, keep everything running smoothly, crossing all T’s and dotting all I’s, while providing all of us with a clean and comfortable place to land.
In the complicated world of supplements and nutraceuticals, we need reassuring answers to our questions about quality. Is the product truly what the label claims that it is? Is it free from contaminants such as heavy metals, pesticides, and other volatile substances? Does it dissolve and absorb properly? Are evidence-based pharmaceutical grade practitioners’ standards being met? Are the raw materials as well as the finished product independently tested and verified by unbiased third-party U.S. labs? How can we find the outstanding manufacturers who start with a therapeutic goal in mind, maintain the highest of standards, and care most about the people who are served by their efforts?
This is what we’re here for. This is what we do, and, at our very core, who we are: integrity, honesty, and diligence; passion for creative solutions; drive to improve; love and warmth toward each other and the people whom we serve.
At Health First, it is absolutely true that your success is our celebration!
Come see for yourself: our faces light up as we hear about the valuable changes in your life when you really do put YOUR Health First!
We are grateful and proud to present Dr. T.C. Fan, DC; an extraordinary Chiropractor with a proven track record of outstanding and unique skills and results. You can find Dr. Fan at Health First! Pharmacy on Mondays and Tuesdays. Please contact him directly at 707.800.2168, and visit his website at http://www.fanchiropractic.com/
Julia Sutton, L.Ac., ACN, provides a comprehensive treatment experience, and you’ll find her to be a treasure to have on your health care team. While practicing Japanese style acupuncture, with both front and back treatment, and bodywork, she also offers specific supplement and nutritional guidance and support, addressing almost any health challenge.
You can find Julia at Health First! Pharmacy according to her scheduled appointments. Please contact Julia directly, at 707.490.6654, to set up your appointment, or for any questions that you might have, and visit her website at http://www.nccaomdiplomates.com/juliasutton